Aug 20Liked by alycia

What a pleasure to read this. A woman taking a vow with herself to love herself, find herself again.

Your words resonate a lot with my story. Self-abandonment for “crumbles of affection”. Yes… it’s a strong way to put it, strong enough to trigger a wake-up call within. So thank you for that.

And, also, I loved what you say about meeting your members/your people only after you’ve met yourself. so, so true. I had never through of it this way.

Much food for thought and energetic realignment inside me after reading your post. Thank you for this gift. 🙏

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Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post. I believe what you see on the outside is a direct reflection of your inner self. To build your dream community, you can't be afraid to say no and boldly express what you truly want.

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Aug 21Liked by alycia

Amen! Thank you for this reminder.

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Feminin Creative Energy is so essential, when running a business, we might reflect more masculine energy, and thats were imbalance can arrise.

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Thank you so much for your comment! It's so true—when building a business, it's easy to become obsessed with strategies and lose touch with our creativity and intuition. As you mentioned, feminine energy is essential for creating a business we truly love because it balances the masculine drive with feminine flow. I’m focusing on healing both my masculine and feminine energies to find that harmony.

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